Hungry Bin Worm Farm

Sale price$339.00

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Hungry Bin Worm Farm

Your key to unlocking a greener, more sustainable lifestyle is here! Say goodbye to the hassle of organic waste disposal and hello to nutrient-rich "black gold" for your soil.

Crafted with an innovative tapered design, this composter encourages our diligent compost worms to thrive. They work tirelessly, converting organic waste into two powerful fertilizers: worm castings and nutrient-rich liquid.

The liquid flows effortlessly into a tray, while the compressed castings are easy to collect, free of worms. Imagine the eco-friendly benefits and savings when over 50% of waste is compostable!

Join the movement for a greener planet and harness the power of the Hungry Bin today.

Don't forget to add worms to your cart, we recommend 4lbs of Pure Reds!

Why the Hungry Bin?

The Hungry Bin is an exceptional worm composting system. Inside, worms are able to turn organic waste into worm castings and a nutrient-rich liquid, creating the highest-quality, natural fertilizer for your garden.

Grow Your Own Castings

The hungry bin provides worm castings every 2-4 months and up to a litre of worm tea every week.

Organic Composting

The Hungry Bin can process 4 lbs of organic waste per day.

Easy Set Up

No power, water, or sewage connection is needed. It's perfect for along the side of the house, the garage, or even the apartment rooftop.

How To Set Up Your Hungry Bin

Filling Your Bin

Place moist bedding material in the bin. For best results, place at least 21 gallons of bedding (3/4 Full) into the bin. This is the equivalent of two bags of compost or potting mix. Moisten bedding until it is as wet as a wrung-out sponge.

Adding Worms

Add the worms to the top of the bedding material and cover with approximately 1 inch of food scraps (preferably finely chopped). Starting with approximately 2000 adult worms is a good number to start your bin. However, the more worms you start with the faster the bin will reach maximum capacity. A full population is approximately 16,000 worms, or 6.5 lbs of adult worms.

Best Location

Choose a sheltered, shady spot for the hungry bin ­– the ideal temperature is between 60-85°F (15-25°C). Avoid extremes of temperature, particularly full sun in summer, as temperatures over 95°F (35°C) may kill the worms. The bin can be kept on a balcony or in a garage or basement if you don’t have a garden. If the bin is outdoors in winter, make sure it is not subjected to freezing conditions for extended periods of time.